Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wild Wild Wednesday

Yay! It's hump day! Why that's a good thing I don't know. I've got my fingers crossed for sun tomorrow. It has been raining fo' ever. Driving me crazy. The kids are itchin' to go to the park and I'm itchin' to take them to the park. They love to run and scream and stalk other kids. Tumble ended as of last Wednesday. Until when I have no clue. I'm guessing until August. I just assumed they would go year round, It is after all 1 day a week for 1 hour. So now our Wednesdays are free. I'm kinda glad. You would think they would have asked today why we didn't go. But no.
I had a doctors appt. today so my mother in law came to sit with the kids. After my appointment I ran some errands. Went to Arby's and got some good grub. Went into Walgreens to use my last two contour coupons but to no surprise they still haven't restocked the shelves. I did grab two of the register reward deals. Paid .93 got back $6.50. Can't beat that! But ya know you can't save any money by using coupons. smile_sarcastic 
This swine flu business is getting kinda scary. I checked the CDC web site again this morning and it's unreal how fast the numbers are climbing. It's now in 41 states. 642 cases and 2 deaths. I'm still trying not to panic. Panic is never a good thing. I'm sure I will though.
Till next time,