Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Coupons and SAHMS


Today was a great day. We ran to town. Got taco bell and took it to the park. The kids ran and had a blast. Was a tad chilly though. I ran into walgreens and my fav cashier was working. I got all my .24 Edge shaving gels and my other 2 free deodorants. I'm up to 30 in Register Rewards. Money Money. This was an awesome week at Walgreens. 11 shaving gels @ $2.00 = $22.00 and 4 deodorants @ $5.99 each = $24.00. My grand total spent $1.50!
I also ran by Food Lion. Great couple of days there as well. Yesterday my total was $50.xx. I paid $9.07. Today I spent $37 saved $31. So for $46 I got 6 Kraft salad dsg, 6 A1 steak marinades , 6 Smuckers ice cream toppings, express salad kit, 12 packages of hot dogs, 7 boxes of pasta, 2 cans of mushrooms, 6 danion yogurt 4 packs, 3 bags of shredded cheese, a tub of cottage cheese, 2 tomatoes, Jug of orange juice  and a $5 watermelon.  Comes out to be .85 an item. I loves me some coupons. Have I said that before?
Wonder hubby is off tomorrow as well. I love his off days. For some reason I just feel more relaxed when he's here. When I'm flying solo I worry. Why I don't know. Not like I've not done it a million times with my babies. I've pretty much been a sahm their whole lives. Worked part time here and there nothing much.
I've noticed on a lot of blogs here lately the debate of working moms v/s SAHMS. I'd like to say right up front I'm not out to hurt feeling , just stating my opinions.
  I really feel like I am where the Lord wants me. That doesn't mean it's easy and always fun. Ha. Far from it. But out of everything I've tried to do on my own this has by far been the most rewarding. I'm not gonna lie. There are days I wanna pull my self bald and beat my head on a wall. Days when the house is destroyed and the kids are wild and all I want to do is just close my eyes. But the great thing , is that each day is a fresh start. Everyday we can reset attitudes and start all over.
Of course as I'm writing this. My 3 little angles are sound asleep in their beds. If they where up bouncing off the walls this whole post might have a much different mood to it.
So lets here it moms. Do you work? Are you a SAHM? What's the pros and cons?


true blessings said...

been stayin home' since 1995!! yup and am sooo blessed to have taken care of my babies and have never regretted it!!

true blessings said...

Thank you for putting me on your blog list, I'll put you on mine..

Tereza said...

Been home for th epast 15 years for each of my babies:)