Friday, May 15, 2009

Random Stuff

Howdy. The weekend is almost here. I've got to run some errands today. Use up some coupons that are fixing to expire. I got the house all picked up last night so I won't have much cleaning to do today. I'm still surfing along on the laundry wagon. I've done a load daily. I love having it all caught up.
I'm itching to get the back yard done. I've got all kinds of things planned out in my mind. I am going to take before and after pictures of it all. The only problem is monies. That's always the problem. Sigh. Oh well. It would be a pretty boring life if you never wanted for anything. I went to Wal-mart with my girl Wednesday night and we strolled around the lawn and garden dept. looking at plants. There are some really pretty one.
Here's some pictures I feel like sharing for no good reason.

sexy time These didn't come from the lawn and garden dept. but ole' girl will enjoy none the less.

004 Isn't this rainbow beautiful? The picture doesn't do it justice. It was by far the brightest bow of colors I've ever seen.

001 Anytime I'm showing pictures I have to show off my babies.

012 Addison and I. Is she not the prettiest little girl you've ever seen?

001 Ayden has a thing about spiking his hair. He's so handsome.

002 And a front view.

004 Can you believe Stinky is still around? Poor thing. He lost an eye a long time ago.

003 Can't forget about Gray Dog. Just for the record, Gray Dog is a SHE! And she doesn't like being called a he.

011 Here is Addison's lip after her fall on the stairs. If you missed that little tid bit you can read it here.

012 Here's the best picture we could get of the inside. I am happy to report that she is all healed up. Amazing how fast the mouth heals.

Till Next time,
