1. Please state your full name and age.
Ayden Traylor Chase. 6yrs old.
2. What would you do if a cop pulled you over while driving?
I'd give him my license.
Because that's what you all did before.
Note: I did give the cop my license even though Ayden encouraged me to stomp it and run.
3. What do you think about Mommy coupon shopping?
I like it. Because I got coupons too.
Note: The boy knows a good deal when he sees one.
4. Who's the boss around here?
You and daddy.
Note: Huh. Wonder why he has to be reminded of this daily.
What would you do if you were the boss?
Send my kids to their rooms.
Note: Promptly after beating them. I've over heard his conversations with Addison's baby dolls.
5. What is your most favorite toy?
Batman and Racing Cars. And Scooby Doo. Oh I forgot Spiderman too.
Note: He broke everyone.
6. Are you excited about anything right now?
7. Who's your best friends?
Codie, Grandma, Mindy, Ricky, Granny Traylor, Grandpa, Payton, You, Daddy, Addison and Nick.
Note: This question is never simple with my kids.
8. What's your most favorite thing to do?
Go to Chuck E Cheese. So I can have coins and a big ticket.
Note: Life's all about a big ticket.
9. What do you think #9 should be?
Uh #10
Note: aka "Let's end this crap"
10. Where do babies come from?
From your belly. Because if you have a baby it comes from your belly.
Note: Like. Where else would it come from. Duh.
Hi I just found your blog and I had fun browsing around:) I love the lighthearted tone!
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